
Breaking News – Disease more rampant than H1N1 Swine Flu – "Agentunknownitis"


What this disease looks like



What this disease looks like


For the past 6 months we’ve heard media reports concerning this years major flu virus – H1N1 Swine Flu .  To date the WHO (World Health Organization) has reported over 11,000 deaths from the swine flu virus.  Many media sources have reported this virus as a “pandemic”.

Today I want to bring to everyone’s attention a disease that is far more rampant than the H1N1 virus, but is flying under the media radar as Millions of Americans are being effected.  This disease is NOT one you will find in the AMA journals.  As a matter of fact we had the priviledge to name this disease;

Definition – “Agentunknownitis” – not knowing who your insurance agent is.

That’s right, there are actually millions of people throughout America who if their agent were to walk by them in a city park they would NOT recognize their own agent.  Many Americans have chosen insurance companies that don’t even have local agents.  You may be asking “Why is this important?”.  Well, this disease can effect you in so many ways.  The biggest effect being the huge exposure to improper insurance coverages.  This disease numbs our minds that most don’t worry about coverages until they have a loss and need to file a claim – unfortunately by that time it’s to late to worry about proper coverages.

Yearly we get the opportunity to speak to hundreds of people about insurance – and though we have not conducted a scientific poll – we have found that most of the people we’ve talked with can not remember the last time they spoke to their insurance agent.   And inevitably in reviewing their insurance policies we have found that most are carrying the improper coverages.

With the new year right around the corner, we would like to encourage everyone who might be suffering from “Agentunknownitis“, to call their agent and have a review of your policies.  It would be a great way to start the new year – knowing that you have the right coverages.

We are making our own “New Years Resolution”  in that we are going to make a concerted effort to post valuable insurance information on a more regular basis.  We also would like your feedback – please feel free to post your thoughts below.  Take your unscientific poll below and see if you are suffering from “Agentunknownitis“.



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  • Haha I like the term you used. It’s funny.. but so true!

    I’m an insurance agent & financial advisor and I serve my customer the best I can in the Province of Quebec.

    I encourage my customer to review their financial planning (for retirement, insurances coverages, etc.) at least every 2 years, but once a year is better.

    Feel free to contact me, if you live in the Province of Quebec, or visit my website at http://www.OlivierPare.com .

    Thank you for the great article and I wish everyone a wonderful 2010 year!